Contact us

Get in touch

If you are interested in our products and services, or want to know more detailed information, please do not hesitate to contact with us.

client inquiries

  • 5 Ryad Shams St Front of El Serag Mall,
    Nasr City, Cairo, 11371, Egypt
  • (+20) 111-126-8812 - (+20) 100-244-5416
    (+20) 110-018-9005
  • (+202) 228-74-670

Marketing & Sales

Email or call our Sales Support Team regarding product questions prior to purchase

(+20) 111-126-8812 - (+20) 100-244-5416

ENG. Muhammed Kassem - CEO

Email  or Call me when you need any inquiry or have an issue and I will respond you immediately . 

(+20) 110-018-9005

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